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      • Open Access Article

        1 - Introduction of Mari Copper Deposit as a Stratabound Manto-Type Copper Deposit in Tarom Zone, Northwest of Iran
        Mehadi Moradi Sajad Maghfori Mohsen Moayyed Vahid Faridasl
        Similar to other deposits of this type in the world, three major stages could be considered for mineralization in Mari copper deposit. The Mari Copper deposit is located in the northwest of Iran and Tarom metallogenic zone in the north of Zanjan. The ore-body is strata- More
        Similar to other deposits of this type in the world, three major stages could be considered for mineralization in Mari copper deposit. The Mari Copper deposit is located in the northwest of Iran and Tarom metallogenic zone in the north of Zanjan. The ore-body is strata-bound and hosted by the Eocene mega-porphyritic andesites. The major copper sulfides are bornite, chalcocite, and chalcopyrite associated mainly with pyrite that represent open-space filling, disseminated, vein-veinlet, and replacement textures. The volcanic rocks of the study area mostly represent intermediate to acidic composition with high potassium shoshonitic magmatic series related to intra-arc rift environments. Wall rock alterations include carbonatization, chloritization, epidotization, and sericitization. The abundances of Cu and Ag in fresh mega-porphyritic andesite are up to 3200 and 216 ppm respectively. Based on the main characteristics of Mari ore body such as tectonic setting, host rock, strata-bound form, mineralogy, metal content, and wall rock alterations and comparison of these features with Manto - type copper deposits, Mari Cu deposit can be introduced as a Manto -type Cu deposit in NW Iran. The first stage includes submarine volcanic activity and eruption of mega-porphyritic andesitic lava associated with regional propylitic alteration. In the second stage, the early diagenesis and the activity of sulfate-reducing micro-organisms resulted in the generation of pyrite in the form of open-space filling and disseminated in the mega-porphyritic andesite. Finally, in the third stage, increasing of the thickness of sediments, basin subsidence, and burial diagenesis accompanied with the entry of metal-rich fluids into the reduced host rock, caused the replacement of the first stage pyrites by copper sulfides and mineralization in the Mari deposit. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - The Effect of uplift rate on geomorphic indices: insight to Misho Complex NW Iran
        Mehdi Behyari Mohammad Mohajjal Mohsen Moayyed Mahnaz Rezaeiyan
        The Misho Mountain is a prominent topographic feature in the North-West of Iran. This mountain is bounded with series of major active faults. Spatial array of these faults caused an uplift in the study area, and exposure of Kahar Formation in the core of the mountain. T More
        The Misho Mountain is a prominent topographic feature in the North-West of Iran. This mountain is bounded with series of major active faults. Spatial array of these faults caused an uplift in the study area, and exposure of Kahar Formation in the core of the mountain. The active deformation affected topographic feature and changed the uplift rate. In this research we tried to quantify variation of uplift rate by using geomorphic indices and thermochronometry data. The analysis of stream length gradient, mountain front morphology, valley shape, and basin morphology indicated that uplift rate decreased from North to South and West to East. Hypsometric integral, which was calculated for the northern and southern flanks of Misho Mountain, also shows mature stage for the Southern flank, but in the Northern Misho tectonic activity increased and consequent;y show unstable state. Comparing between maximum and minimum swath profile in the west, central and east Misho indicated that in the west Misho the min and max swath profile indicate greater difference and show rapid uplift in the west Misho. Thermochronologic data show that rapid exhumation commenced by 21-22 Ma (Miocene), and an uplift rate of 0.16 to 0.24 Km/Ma was estimated. We propose that the range might be exhumed diachronously along strike and the magnitude of exhumation decreases to the ESE. This result is supported by structural and stratighraphy of study area. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Mineral chemistry and Petrology of shoshonit gabbroic bodies from the Hashtsar-Leghlan (Hourand-East Azarbaijan)
        Alireza Ravankhah Mohsen Moayyed Mehadi Moradi Amir Morteza Azimzadeh Jamshid Hasanzadeh Nasir Amel
        The gabbroic bodies are outcropped in the East and south-west of Hourand (East of Kaleybar) and in the East Azarbaijan province. The gabbroic body of Leghlan forms frequent sills injected in the Upper Cretaceous-Paleocene flysch deposits. The gabbroic body of Hashtsar More
        The gabbroic bodies are outcropped in the East and south-west of Hourand (East of Kaleybar) and in the East Azarbaijan province. The gabbroic body of Leghlan forms frequent sills injected in the Upper Cretaceous-Paleocene flysch deposits. The gabbroic body of Hashtsar along with associated pyroxenite were injected into these deposits. The mineral composition of the gabbroic body of Leghlan is plagioclase, clinopyroxene, potassium feldspar and biotite, and the major minerals of the gabbroic body of Hashtsar includes plagioclase, clinopyroxene and amphibole. Plagioclases in gabbroic body of Hashtsar (anorthite) is more calcic than those in the gabbroic body of Leghlan and show no chemical zoning. The composition of clinopyroxene in both bodies is in the range of diopside and amphiboles in gabbroic body of Hashtsar are pargasite to tschermakite. The parental magmas of these bodies, based on mineral chemistry and composition of clinopyroxene, was shoshonit and the melting occurred at a rate of about 5% of the enriched spinel-garnet lherzolite mantle and with garnet in the residue. The rocks were developed in a volcanic arc setting. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Clinopyroxene mineral chemistry of Peshtasar basalts, sedimentary basin of Moghan (NW Iran)
        AbbasAli Amrei Reza Zarei Mohsen Moayyed Ahmad Ahmadi AmirMorteza Azimzadeh
        With the east–west exposure trend, Peshtasar basalts are in the sedimentary basin of Moghan (Talesh structural zone), in the northwest of Iran.The Peshtasar complex lithologically includes basalt, andesitic basalt or basaltic andesite, megaporphyric andesite, leucite te More
        With the east–west exposure trend, Peshtasar basalts are in the sedimentary basin of Moghan (Talesh structural zone), in the northwest of Iran.The Peshtasar complex lithologically includes basalt, andesitic basalt or basaltic andesite, megaporphyric andesite, leucite tephrite and volcanic breccia. The main constituent minerals are plagioclase, clinopyroxene, and iddingsitized olivine in basalts and plagioclase megacryst, clinopyroxene, and leucite in tephrite. The results of the microprobe analyses of clinopyroxene reveal the diopside composition. Clinopyroxenes of Peshtasar basalts have igneous nature originated from alkaline and continental magmatic serries. The results of termobarometry studies indicate the crystallization range from 800 -1200 degrees centigrade and crystallization pressure less than 5 kb. There was no water in composition of the parent magma of these rocks. The titanium contents of clinopyroxenes were low, indicating the presence of titano-magnetite (opaque minerals) in the rock. The ferric iron values in clinopyroxenes represents a high oxygen fugacity of magma. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Geology, alteration and mineralization studies of the Barmolk porphyry copper deposit (North of Varzeghan – East Azarbaijan Province)
        علیرضا  روان¬خواه Mohsen Moayyed علی  لطفی¬بخش
        Exploration area of Barmolk is located in the northwest of the country, East Azarbaijan province and northeast of the Varzeghan county. Northern outcrops of the area consist of Eocene volcanic and volcanoclastic rocks and Oligocene porphyry quartzmonzonite intrusion bod More
        Exploration area of Barmolk is located in the northwest of the country, East Azarbaijan province and northeast of the Varzeghan county. Northern outcrops of the area consist of Eocene volcanic and volcanoclastic rocks and Oligocene porphyry quartzmonzonite intrusion bodies, which are cut off by first and second generation non-mineralized dikes. Towards to the north, this mass is in contact with upper Cretaceous-Paleocene carbonate-flysch deposits. In addition, Plio-Quaternary injection of dacite subvolcanic domes and eruption of alkaline basalt in the studied area have taken place. Kighal porphyry extends to the southwest of Barmolk area. Phyllic, propylitic and argillic hydrothermal alterations were identified in this mass, but potassic alteration was not observed. This indicates that the Barmolk porphyry is not an independent mass and is the margin of Kighal porphyry mass. The main texture in this mass is porphyritic with fine-graind matrix. Mineralization appears to be disseminated, vein-veinlet and fracture surface filling including chalcopyrite, galena, sphalerite and pyrite. Pyrite content in this mass is low, and this is one of the reasons for the lack of supergene enrichment zone. Due to the presence of lead and zinc mineralization mostly in the form of vein-veinlet in the first-generation quartzdiorite dikes (DK1) and with regards to the injection of these dikes into Sungun after supergene zone formation, the mineralization of lead and zinc can be attributed to the epithermal processes, related to the Barmolk intrusive mass. Consequently, the latter mineralization occurred after the injection of first-generation quartzdiorite dikes. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Garmichay metapelites, NW Iran: whole rock chemistry, provenance and metamorphic conditions
        Amir Mahamed Mohsen Moayyed Monir Modjarrad
        The whole rock chemistry of the Garmichay metapelites located in the north of Miyaneh, NW Iran, is investigated to reveal the provenance and metamorphic conditions of the rocks. Petrofabric observations have revealed the syn-tectonic nature of regional metamorphic cordi More
        The whole rock chemistry of the Garmichay metapelites located in the north of Miyaneh, NW Iran, is investigated to reveal the provenance and metamorphic conditions of the rocks. Petrofabric observations have revealed the syn-tectonic nature of regional metamorphic cordierite porphyroblasts in the metapelites. C' shear band structure is another feature that is observed in the rocks. Two regional metamorphic phases (RMP1, RMP2), one contact metamorphic phase (CMP) and two deformation (D1, D2) phases are identified. The major oxide geochemistry implies two sedimentary shale and greywacke parent rocks. Based on major, rare earth and trace elements (Ti, Ni, TiO2, Zr and K2O) the igneous source rock has been an andesite to dacite/rhyodacite. The CIA (chemical index of alteration) and CIW (chemical index of weathering) parameters imply a medium degree of alteration in the igneous source area. The Garmichay metapelites, in comparison with the PAAS and UCC, are enriched in Cs, La and Ce and depleted in Sr, Nb and Ta. The representative samples lie inside the paragenetic triangles of the compatibility diagrams that imply their thermodynamically stable conditions. Finally, based on the standard pseudosections, the maximum temperature and pressure range has been determined as 535-635 °C and 1-3 kb, respectively. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Mineral chemistry of clinopyroxene, an approach to petrogenesis of Saray Volcanic Complex–Northwest of Iran
        M.  Ghaderi N. Amel M. Moayyed
        Saray volcano is an extinct volcano and is located in the east of Urmia Lake. This volcano mainly consists of Leucititic lava flows and their related pyroclastic materials forming a Sequence which repeated more than five times. Leucite phonolitic dykes, Lamprophyric (Mi More
        Saray volcano is an extinct volcano and is located in the east of Urmia Lake. This volcano mainly consists of Leucititic lava flows and their related pyroclastic materials forming a Sequence which repeated more than five times. Leucite phonolitic dykes, Lamprophyric (Minette, Monchiquite and Spessartite) lavas and dykes, Trachytic domes and dykes, Syenitic dykes and a small syenitic stock are other rock types of Saray volcano. Since clinopyroxene is present in all rock types of this volcano, mineral chemistry study of clinopyroxenes in all rock types of Saray volcano, could help us to explain the relationship between different rock types. Clinopyroxenes of Saray volcano have diopside, salite and fassaite compositions. The majority of studied clinopyroxenes crystallize under 3-4 kb pressure and 1150 centigrade temperature. Tectono-magmatically speaking, these clinopyroxenes were mostly formed within plate basalts. Although the composition of rock types of Saray volcano is very different, almost constant composition of clinopyroxene in all rock types, show the same origin for all clinopyroxenes. However, it can be concluded that all rock types have the same origin. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - Investigation of tectonics, fault data and their relationship with mineralization and alteration in Asbkhan, Heris area (East Azerbaijan Province - Northwest Iran)
        N. Yadegari Seyed Ghafor Alavi Mohsen Moayyed
        The study area is located in the south of Qushadagh mountain range, in the north of Asbkhan village, Heris township and in East Azarbaijan province. In terms of structural geology of Iran, this area is located in the main zone of Central Iran and Alborz-Azerbaijan sub-z More
        The study area is located in the south of Qushadagh mountain range, in the north of Asbkhan village, Heris township and in East Azarbaijan province. In terms of structural geology of Iran, this area is located in the main zone of Central Iran and Alborz-Azerbaijan sub-zone. The geological units of the region are including Eocene igneous and pyroclastic rocks with combination of andesitic, Trachyandesitic, basaltic, tuffic and ignembritic. The semi-deep intrusive mass with Oligocene age, with the combination of quartz diorite, diorite and quartz monzonite in the form of stock and dyke is exposed in the area. Structural studies, including fault plates, slickenside on them, and the joints system in various lithologies, indicate at least two general stress directions in the range, Which can be created following one tectonic regime or two tectonic regimes. If we consider the tectonic regime as a phase and consider the tensors with different directions as the result of rotation in the fault plates, We can introduce a general strike-slip regime with a general north-south trend that controls the existing structures of the region. At the same time, the infiltration of intrusive masses has caused the disintegration of these structures and made the issue more complicated. In general, faults with a northwest-southeast trend and a right on strike-slip mechanism, form the main structures of the area.Other faults are controlled by the main structures following the Riddle fractures system. Based on the system of joints in four different lithologies, lithological units from old to new include: basaltic andesite, quartz diorite, quartz monzonite (porphyry mass) and diorite, which from old to new reduces the diversity of the joints system. The northwest-southeast tectonic system has been involved in the development of argillic alteration and the northeast-southwest system has been important in the development of siliceous and mineralized veins. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - Geology, Alteration, Geochemistry and Element distribution in Alteration Zones of Nughdoz- Zaylik Area, Arasbaran Magmatic Zone
        M.R. Hosseinzadeh S. Maghfouri Mohsen Moayyed Z. Hadavi Chaharborj Nasir Amel
        The study area is located in 25 km SE of Ahar and 40 km NW of Meshkin-Shahr around Naqadouz village. Hydrothermal alteration has resulted in the developing of Argillic, Argillic - Silicic, Silicic and propilitic zones in this area. Based on petrographic studies, the alt More
        The study area is located in 25 km SE of Ahar and 40 km NW of Meshkin-Shahr around Naqadouz village. Hydrothermal alteration has resulted in the developing of Argillic, Argillic - Silicic, Silicic and propilitic zones in this area. Based on petrographic studies, the altered rocks are basaltic andesite, andesite, dacite, rhyolite and lithic tuff in composition, with porphyry, glomeroporphyry, hyalomicrolithic and microlithic porphyric textures. The XRD analysis of altered samples show cristobalite, natrilite, kaolinite, quartz, albite, sanidine and orthoclase as the main minerals. Geochemical studies indicate that the alteration fluid has hydrothermal source and supergene processes are more important than hypogene processes. In this study, we use the immobile element method to calculate mass-changes and trace elements transmission amount during hydrothermal alteration. The Eu/Eu* ratio is higher in altered samples than relatively unaltered samples and the ratio of Ce/Ce* is more than 1for the relatively unaltered and most altered samples. The ratio of (La/Yb) n indicated that the depletion of HREE in altered samples is more than LREE, and LREE enrichment can increase this ratio. The lower ratio of (Tb/Yb) n in altered than unaltered samples indicate less depletion of HREE relative to MREE. Considering the distribution pattern of REE’s in alteration zones, it seems that the behavior of elements are controlled by pH, T & P changes, Eh, preferred absorption by clayey and iron oxide minerals and ligands frequency including SO2-4 , PO4+3 , CI-, F-, CO2-3 . Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        10 - Geochemistry of Central part of the Neo-Tethys Suture zone serpentinites (From NW Iran to Iraqi Zagros and Eastern Anatoly)
        monir modjarrad Mohsen Moayyed
        The subduction and closure of the vast Neo-Tethys ocean between the Arabian and Eurasian plates has left numerous ophiolitic traces, the unique position of Iran in its central part is noticeable. The lack of information, right on the border of Iran with Iraq and Turke More
        The subduction and closure of the vast Neo-Tethys ocean between the Arabian and Eurasian plates has left numerous ophiolitic traces, the unique position of Iran in its central part is noticeable. The lack of information, right on the border of Iran with Iraq and Turkey, due to security considerations, has so far prevented the overview of this suture zone in the northwestern border of Iran. Adding Gysian ophiolite in southern Urmia as a missing link in this stretch can partially cover this lack of information. A comparative study of whole rock chemistry of serpentinites in the central part of the Neo-Tethys ophiolites, considering several sectors from Iran (Kamyaran, Marivan and Gysian), Iraq (Penjwin and Mawat) and Turkey (Guleman and Osmanie) in this article, indicates that they belong to subducted serpentinites, whether they were originally formed in the fore-arc environment or the at abyssal oceanic environment. Composition of the serpentinites of the central part of the suture zone is similar to the average global serpentinites which have mostly lizardite/chrysotile. All of them show depletion of Mg resulting sea floor alteration during serpentinization. The mentioned point may be caused to data deviation from abyssal peridotites field. Considering that the transition metals contents the confirmed the above setting. Almost all of the studied serpentinites are from subducted type which indicates refertilization of LILE evidences as a result of rock/fluid interaction through serpentinization. Manuscript profile