Effects of the inclination of parallel no flow boundaries on the time- drawdown curves around a pumping well in a confined bounded aquifer
Subject Areas :Arash Nadri 1 , ezatolah ghanavati 2 , Nasrolah Kalantari 3
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Keywords: No flow boundaries Time-Drawdown data Confined aquifers Numerical simulation Image wells,
Abstract :
The image well theory was used in the study of no flow boundaries effects on the drawdown around pumping wells. Most studies are concentrated on the vertical no flow boundaries, while, in some cases these boundaries are not vertical and have inclinations. To the best of the authors knowledge, the problem of the inclined no flow boundaries has not been studied yet. The effects of the parallel no flow boundaries inclination on the drawdown around pumping wells in bounded aquifers is studied here. The time-drawdown data for vertical boundaries have used the numerical simulation and also the image well theory. The effects of inclination of the boundaries were only considered using the numerical simulation. The results of numerical simulations and image well theory for vertical no flow boundaries were matched completely. The computed drawdown for observation well in the models with inclined and vertical no flow boundaries used to compute the difference between them. The difference between these cases depends on the distance between the boundaries (width of the aquifer) and the inclination value. The results showed that in large widths and low inclinations, the computed drawdown in aquifers with vertical boundaries are almost similar with the computed drawdown in aquifers with inclined boundaries and the differences can be neglected. In the other words, the difference between the vertical and inclined cases in smaller widths is so high that even in the low inclinations, the differences can't be neglected. It can be concluded that the image well theory as we know, cannot be used in inclined no flow boundaries.
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